Unfortunately, no. The issue is consistent, but I had difficulties creating a detailed recipe for it. For me, the issue was limited to flycheck-pos-tip which interacts with the windowing system through the pos-tip package. No modification of display-line-numbers took place. I ended up replacing the package with flycheck-popup-tip, which displays its information inside an emacs buffer, and the problem disappeared. So at a glance the issue seem to be deeper than just being config-related, but I am not knowledgeable enough to draw any real conclusions. On 2017-10-05 14:40, Kaushal Modi wrote: > On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 2:10 PM Eli Zaretskii > wrote: > > I thought about that, but I'm afraid it could cause an infinite series > of unrelated hits, each time Kaushal switches between buffers.  It may > make editing impractical. > > But if I'm mistaken, why not? > > > Hi Eli, Noam, > > As you know from my other thread, I am unable to use gdb. As I don't > know enough C to hack it myself, can you provide pointers to where I > can put print statements or something like that in the C code directly > to help with this debug? > > Another thing, debbugs seems to have stopped emailing the bug authors! > > Emails sent to just this debbugs don't reach me, like this reply[1] or > this[2]. Can you guys please CC me on further replies? > > @Jonas: Any luck creating a recipe for this? > > @Eli: This problem is consistent, though not consistent enough to yet > create a recipe. But it does happen at least once a day. I am still > sticking on to native line numbers and not giving up. Can this be > please made a blocker for 26.1? > > > [1]: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=27647#38 > [2]: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=27647#39 > -- > > Kaushal Modi >