On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 01:24:11PM +0000, HaiJun Zhang wrote: > I tried the patch. It works well for almost all the use cases except the following one: > Press ESC to cancel the input. The working text will not be cleared > as before. It will be cleared after inputting another char or > pressing ENTER. That makes sense. It looks like there is no explicit clear from the toolkit. > I think there are cases like the above when only > ’ns-unput-working-text is fired without following > ’ns-put-working-text. > > In my modified ns-unput-working-text, it processes these cases. If > the new working text is the same as the old one, then there will be > no following ’ns-put-working-text and it clears the working text. > Maybe the checking can be done in C? I think in C we can get away with just checking whether the new text is empty. If there is any text at all then replacing the working text seems to do the right thing, even if the new text is shorter than the old. I could be wrong, though, I’ve never really used these input methods so don’t know if there are things I’m not testing. New patch attached, please try it and let me know how it goes. -- Alan Third