On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 06:12:06AM -0700, Dan Nicolaescu spake thusly: > It looks like a bug in your hg version... Ah-hah...I have tracked it down to this in my .hgrc file: [defaults] status = -q I use hg mostly for sysadmin stuff and often have lots of files in a directory that aren't checked in. But I use hg status often to see what has been modified and do not want to see all the noise by the files that are not checked in. So I use this default. Apparently it confuses vc-hg. Not sure if emacs could handle this better somehow but it isn't a big deal. I have commented it out of my .hgrc for now. Thanks a lot for your help in troubleshooting this and sorry for wasting your time with what turns out to be a non-emacs bug. -- Tracy Reed http://tracyreed.org