Hello, The indentation in C++ mode does not seem to work properly in batch mode with the following code (indented in interactive mode): """ template Derived::Derived(): Base() // Problem: wrong indentation in batch mode. { } """ Now, define the Lisp function: (defun cpp_indent () (c-set-style "gnu") (c++-mode) (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) ()) (save-buffer) ) And apply it the previous function. It will result in: """ template Derived::Derived(): Base() // Problem: wrong indentation in batch mode. { } """ which is inconsistent with the interactive and is not, I presume, the targeted result. I found the problem in Emacs (emacs snapshot in Kubuntu 8.04) and in Emacs 22.1.3. It does not appear in Emacs 21.4.1 (Debian Etch). Just an unrelated note about the indentation. I found a difference between the two latest versions I mentioned and the version 21.4.1. This code (indented with Emacs 22+): """ template Derived0::Derived0(): Base () { } """ is indented by Emacs 21.4.1 as """ template Derived0::Derived0(): Base () { } """ I like the new indentation better, and I suppose it was an improvement introduced in the latest versions. I mention it, just in case... I attach three files: - test.cxx: a file to be indented (but already well indented); - test-wrong_indentation.cxx: test.cxx after indentation in batch mode with Emacs 22+; - cpp_indent.lisp: the indentation function. Used in: "emacs -batch test.cxx - l cpp_indent.lisp -f cpp_indent". Thank you for your great work, Vivien Mallet.