>From juri@jurta.org Fri Oct 28 08:14:34 2005 >(...) Thanks for your answer. >>> Let us consider a source text for LateX and assume that we want to >>> replace the command for an accented letter by the accented letter >>> itself. For example, replacing \`{a} by =C3 using the accurate >>> coding. If we look into the documentation and would like to >>> perform this operation by means of a Lisp code, that should be: >>> (beginning-of-buffer) >>> (while (re-search-forward "\\\B`{a}" nil t) >>> (replace-match "=C3 " nil nil)) >>> Unfortunately, the replacement is \`{a} =3D=3D=3D=3D> \=C3=20 >> >> "\\\B..." is the same as "\\B...". I think you meant "\\\\B..." > >Unquoted string "\\\\B" is `\\B' which matches two characters `\' and `B'. >I don't think this is what is wanted. In fact, I suspect that the problem is more complicated... Unless I miss something about the regular expressions handled by emacs. If I wish the following replacement: \^{a} or \^a ====> â and program: (while (re-search-forward "\\^{?a}?" ...) (replace-match "â" ...)) it results: \^{a} or \^a ====> \â If the replacement I wish is: \`{a} or \`a ====> à then (while (re-search-forward "\\`{?a}?" ...) (replace-match "à" ...)) does not work. I thought that a better result would be got by separating the ` character from backslashes and that is why I put: (while (re-search-forward "\\\B`{?a}?" ...) (replace-match "à" ...)) the result is the same than for the circumflex accent, that is: \`{a} or \`a ====> \à Yours sincerely, J.-M. H.