Two more things: - the word warning now gets found case insensitively in my new diff - font-lock in CVS has for quite a few versions contained the line ,(+ ,c-type-names-depth 2)) which understandably causes an error for me in c-mode. But even taking away the comma leaves the var undefined :-( (in 1.199 which is the latest that might have worked with 21.2) --------------- Hi, this fixes 2 things: - warnings and errors didn't get distinguished which finally got insupportable with strict gcc 3.2 - compile buffers are hypertext but didn't have mouse hightlight Note that the latter uses font-lock's facename as property list, which was documented in 21.2 (as delivered by SuSE 8.1), but only works when getting a newer font-lock and syntax from CVS. coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn Daniel Pfeiffer -- -- --