;;;; testcases.el -- Test cases for testcover-tests.el ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Gemini Lasswell ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'. ;;; Commentary: ;; * This file should not be loaded directly. It is meant to be read ;; by `testcover-tests-build-test-cases'. ;; ;; * Test cases begin with ;; ==== name ====. The symbol name between ;; the ===='s is used to create the name of the test. ;; ;; * Following the beginning comment place the test docstring and ;; any tags or keywords for ERT. These will be spliced into the ;; ert-deftest for the test. ;; ;; * To separate the above from the test case code, use another ;; comment: ;; ==== ;; ;; * These special comments should start at the beginning of a line. ;; ;; * `testcover-tests-skeleton' will prompt you for a test name and ;; insert the special comments. ;; ;; * The test case code should be annotated with %%% at the end of ;; each form where a tan splotch is expected, and !!! at the end ;; of each form where a red mark is expected. ;; ;; * If Testcover is working correctly on your code sample, using ;; `testcover-tests-markup-region' and ;; `testcover-tests-unmarkup-region' can make creating test cases ;; easier. ;;; Code: ;;; Test Cases: ;; ==== constants-bug-25316 ==== "Testcover doesn't splotch constants." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defconst testcover-testcase-const "apples") (defun testcover-testcase-zero () 0) (defun testcover-testcase-list-consts () (list emacs-version 10 "hello" `(a b c ,testcover-testcase-const) '(1 2 3) testcover-testcase-const (testcover-testcase-zero) nil)) (defun testcover-testcase-add-to-const-list (arg) (cons arg%%% (testcover-testcase-list-consts))%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-add-to-const-list 'a) `(a ,emacs-version 10 "hello" (a b c "apples") (1 2 3) "apples" 0 nil))) ;; ==== customize-defcustom-bug-25326 ==== "Testcover doesn't prevent testing of defcustom values." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defgroup testcover-testcase nil "Test case for testcover" :group 'lisp :prefix "testcover-testcase-" :version "26.0") (defcustom testcover-testcase-flag t "Test value used by testcover-tests.el" :type 'boolean :group 'testcover-testcase) (defun testcover-testcase-get-flag () testcover-testcase-flag) (testcover-testcase-get-flag) (setq testcover-testcase-flag (not testcover-testcase-flag)) (testcover-testcase-get-flag) ;; ==== no-returns ==== "Testcover doesn't splotch functions which don't return." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-play-ball (retval) (catch 'ball (throw 'ball retval%%%))%%%) ; catch gets marked but not throw (defun testcover-testcase-not-my-favorite-error-message () (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'consp nil))) (should (testcover-testcase-play-ball t)) (condition-case nil (testcover-testcase-not-my-favorite-error-message) (error nil)) ;; ==== noreturn-symbol ==== "Wrapping a form with noreturn prevents splotching." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-cancel (spacecraft) (error "no destination for %s" spacecraft)) (defun testcover-testcase-launch (spacecraft planet) (if (null planet) (noreturn (testcover-testcase-cancel spacecraft%%%)) (list spacecraft%%% planet%%%)%%%)%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-launch-2 (spacecraft planet) (if (null planet%%%)%%% (testcover-testcase-cancel spacecraft%%%)!!! (list spacecraft!!! planet!!!)!!!)!!!) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-launch "Curiosity" "Mars") '("Curiosity" "Mars"))) (condition-case err (testcover-testcase-launch "Voyager" nil) (error err)) (condition-case err (testcover-testcase-launch-2 "Voyager II" nil) (error err)) (should-error (testcover-testcase-launch "Voyager" nil)) (should-error (testcover-testcase-launch-2 "Voyager II" nil)) ;; ==== 1-value-symbol-bug-25316 ==== "Wrapping a form with 1value prevents splotching." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-always-zero (num) (- num%%% num%%%)%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-still-always-zero (num) (1value (- num%%% num%%% (- num%%% num%%%)%%%))) (defun testcover-testcase-never-called (num) (1value (/ num!!! num!!!)!!!)!!!) (should (eql 0 (testcover-testcase-always-zero 3))) (should (eql 0 (testcover-testcase-still-always-zero 5))) ;; ==== dotimes-dolist ==== "Dolist and dotimes with a 1valued return value are 1valued." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-do-over (things) (dolist (thing things%%%) (list thing)) (dolist (thing things%%% 42) (list thing)) (dolist (thing things%%% things%%%) (list thing))%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-do-more (count) (dotimes (num count%%%) (+ num num)) (dotimes (num count%%% count%%%) (+ num num))%%% (dotimes (num count%%% 0) (+ num num))) (should (equal '(a b c) (testcover-testcase-do-over '(a b c)))) (should (eql 0 (testcover-testcase-do-more 2))) ;; ==== let-last-form ==== "A let form is 1valued if its last form is 1valued." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-double (num) (let ((double (* num%%% 2)%%%)) double%%%)%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-nullbody-let (num) (let* ((square (* num%%% num%%%)%%%) (double (* 2 num%%%)%%%)))) (defun testcover-testcase-answer () (let ((num 100)) 42)) (should-not (testcover-testcase-nullbody-let 3)) (should (eql (testcover-testcase-answer) 42)) (should (eql (testcover-testcase-double 10) 20)) ;; ==== if-with-1value-clauses ==== "An if is 1valued if both then and else are 1valued." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-describe (val) (if (zerop val%%%)%%% "a number" "a different number")) (defun testcover-testcase-describe-2 (val) (if (zerop val) "zero" "not zero")) (defun testcover-testcase-describe-3 (val) (if (zerop val%%%)%%% "zero" (format "%d" val%%%)%%%)%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-describe 0) "a number")) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-describe-2 0) "zero")) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-describe-2 1) "not zero")) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-describe-3 1) "1")) ;; ==== cond-with-1value-clauses ==== "A cond form is marked 1valued if all clauses are 1valued." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-cond (num) (cond ((eql num%%% 0)%%% 'a) ((eql num%%% 1)%%% 'b) ((eql num!!! 2)!!! 'c))) (defun testcover-testcase-cond-2 (num) (cond ((eql num%%% 0)%%% (cons 'a 0)!!!) ((eql num%%% 1)%%% 'b))%%%) (should (eql (testcover-testcase-cond 1) 'b)) (should (eql (testcover-testcase-cond-2 1) 'b)) ;; ==== condition-case-with-1value-components ==== "A condition-case is marked 1valued if its body and handlers are." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-cc (arg) (condition-case nil (if (null arg%%%)%%% (error "foo") "0")!!! (error nil))) (should-not (testcover-testcase-cc nil)) ;; ==== quotes-within-backquotes-bug-25316 ==== "Forms to instrument are found within quotes within backquotes." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-make-list () (list 'defun 'defvar)) (defmacro testcover-testcase-bq-macro (arg) (declare (debug t)) `(memq ,arg%%% '(defconst ,@(testcover-testcase-make-list)))%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-use-bq-macro (arg) (testcover-testcase-bq-macro arg%%%)%%%) (should (equal '(defun defvar) (testcover-testcase-use-bq-macro 'defun))) ;; ==== progn-functions ==== "Some forms are 1value if their last argument is 1value." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-one (arg) (progn (setq arg (1- arg%%%)%%%)%%%)%%% (progn (setq arg (1+ arg%%%)%%%)%%% 1)) (should (eql 1 (testcover-testcase-one 0))) ;; ==== prog1-functions ==== "Some forms are 1value if their first argument is 1value." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-unwinder (arg) (unwind-protect (if ( > arg%%% 0)%%% 1 0) (format "unwinding %s!" arg%%%)%%%)) (defun testcover-testcase-divider (arg) (unwind-protect (/ 100 arg%%%)%%% (format "unwinding! %s" arg%%%)%%%)%%%) (should (eq 0 (testcover-testcase-unwinder 0))) (should (eq 1 (testcover-testcase-divider 100))) ;; ==== compose-functions ==== "Some functions are 1value if all their arguments are 1value." ;; ==== (defconst testcover-testcase-count 3) (defun testcover-testcase-number () (+ 1 testcover-testcase-count)) (defun testcover-testcase-more () (+ 1 (testcover-testcase-number) testcover-testcase-count)) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-more) 8)) ;; ==== apply-quoted-symbol ==== "Apply with a quoted function symbol treated as 1value if function is." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-numlist (flag) (if flag%%% '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))) (defun testcover-testcase-sum (flag) (apply '+ (testcover-testcase-numlist flag%%%))) (defun testcover-testcase-label () (apply 'message "edebug uses: %s %s" (list 1 2)!!!)!!!) (should (equal 6 (testcover-testcase-sum t))) ;; ==== backquote-1value-bug-24509 ==== "Commas within backquotes are recognized as non-1value." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defmacro testcover-testcase-lambda (&rest body) `(lambda () ,@body)) (defun testcover-testcase-example () (let ((lambda-1 (testcover-testcase-lambda (format "lambda-%d" 1))%%%) (lambda-2 (testcover-testcase-lambda (format "lambda-%d" 2))%%%)) (concat (funcall lambda-1%%%)%%% " " (funcall lambda-2%%%)%%%)%%%)%%%) (defmacro testcover-testcase-message-symbol (name) `(message "%s" ',name)) (defun testcover-testcase-example-2 () (concat (testcover-testcase-message-symbol foo)%%% (testcover-testcase-message-symbol bar)%%%)%%%) (should (equal "lambda-1 lambda-2" (testcover-testcase-example))) (should (equal "foobar" (testcover-testcase-example-2))) ;; ==== pcase-bug-24688 ==== "Testcover copes with condition-case within backquoted list." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-pcase (form) (pcase form%%% (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,handlers) (list var%%% protected-form%%% handlers%%%)%%%) (_ nil))%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-pcase '(condition-case a (/ 5 a) (error 0))) '(a (/ 5 a) ((error 0))))) ;; ==== defun-in-backquote-bug-11307-and-24743 ==== "Testcover handles defun forms within backquoted list." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defmacro testcover-testcase-defun (name &rest body) (declare (debug (symbolp def-body))) `(defun ,name () ,@body)) (testcover-testcase-defun foo (+ 1 2)) (testcover-testcase-defun bar (+ 3 4)) (should (eql (foo) 3)) (should (eql (bar) 7)) ;; ==== closure-1value-bug ==== "Testcover does not mark closures as 1value." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== ;; -*- lexical-binding:t -*- (setq testcover-testcase-foo nil) (setq testcover-testcase-bar 0) (defun testcover-testcase-baz (arg) (setq testcover-testcase-foo (lambda () (+ arg testcover-testcase-bar%%%)))) (testcover-testcase-baz 2) (should (equal 2 (funcall testcover-testcase-foo))) (testcover-testcase-baz 3) (should (equal 3 (funcall testcover-testcase-foo))) ;; ==== by-value-vs-by-reference-bug-25351 ==== "An object created by a 1value expression may be modified by other code." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-ab () (list 'a 'b)) (defun testcover-testcase-change-it (arg) (setf (cadr arg%%%)%%% 'c)%%% arg%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-change-it (testcover-testcase-ab)) '(a c))) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-ab) '(a b))) ;; ==== 1value-error-test ==== "Forms wrapped by `1value' should always return the same value." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-thing (arg) (1value (list 1 arg 3))) (should (equal '(1 2 3) (testcover-testcase-thing 2))) (should-error (testcover-testcase-thing 3)) ;; ==== dotted-backquote ==== "Testcover correctly instruments dotted backquoted lists." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-dotted-bq (flag extras) (let* ((bq `(a b c . ,(and flag extras%%%)))) bq)) (should (equal '(a b c) (testcover-testcase-dotted-bq nil '(d e)))) (should (equal '(a b c d e) (testcover-testcase-dotted-bq t '(d e)))) ;; ==== backquoted-vector-bug-25316 ==== "Testcover reinstruments within backquoted vectors." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-vec (a b c) `[,a%%% ,(list b%%% c%%%)%%%]%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-vec-in-list (d e f) `([[,d%%% ,e%%%] ,f%%%])%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-vec-arg (num) (list `[,num%%%]%%%)%%%) (should (equal [1 (2 3)] (testcover-testcase-vec 1 2 3))) (should (equal '([[4 5] 6]) (testcover-testcase-vec-in-list 4 5 6))) (should (equal '([100]) (testcover-testcase-vec-arg 100))) ;; ==== vector-in-macro-spec-bug-25316 ==== "Testcover reinstruments within vectors." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defmacro testcover-testcase-nth-case (arg vec) (declare (indent 1) (debug (form (vector &rest form)))) `(eval (aref ,vec%%% ,arg%%%))%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-use-nth-case (choice val) (testcover-testcase-nth-case choice [(+ 1 val!!!)!!! (- 1 val%%%)%%% (* 7 val) (/ 4 val!!!)!!!])) (should (eql 42 (testcover-testcase-use-nth-case 2 6))) (should (eql 49 (testcover-testcase-use-nth-case 2 7))) (should (eql 0 (testcover-testcase-use-nth-case 1 1 ))) ;; ==== mapcar-is-not-compose ==== "Mapcar with 1value arguments is not 1value." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defvar testcover-testcase-num 0) (defun testcover-testcase-add-num (n) (+ testcover-testcase-num n)) (defun testcover-testcase-mapcar-sides () (mapcar 'testcover-testcase-add-num '(1 2 3))) (setq testcover-testcase-num 1) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-mapcar-sides) '(2 3 4))) (setq testcover-testcase-num 2) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-mapcar-sides) '(3 4 5))) ;; ==== function-with-edebug-spec-bug-25316 ==== "Functions can have edebug specs too. See c-make-font-lock-search-function for an example in the Emacs sources. The other issue is that it's ok to use quote in an edebug spec, so testcover needs to cope with that." :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-make-function (forms) `(lambda (flag) (if flag 0 ,@forms%%%))%%%) (def-edebug-spec testcover-testcase-make-function (("quote" (&rest def-form)))) (defun testcover-testcase-thing () (testcover-testcase-make-function '((+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 (+ 4 5))))))%%%) (defun testcover-testcase-use-thing () (funcall (testcover-testcase-thing)%%% nil)%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-use-thing) 15)) ;; ==== backquoted-dotted-alist ==== "Testcover can instrument a dotted alist constructed with backquote." ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-make-alist (expr entries) `((0 . ,expr%%%) . ,entries%%%)%%%) (should (equal (testcover-testcase-make-alist "foo" '((1 . "bar") (2 . "baz"))) '((0 . "foo") (1 . "bar") (2 . "baz")))) ;; ==== coverage-of-the-unknown-symbol-bug-25471 ==== "Testcover correctly records coverage of code which uses `unknown'" :expected-result :failed ;; ==== (defun testcover-testcase-how-do-i-know-you (name) (let ((val 'unknown)) (when (equal name%%% "Bob")%%% (setq val 'known)!!!) val%%%)%%%) (should (eq (testcover-testcase-how-do-i-know-you "Liz") 'unknown)) ;; testcases.el ends here.