When I try to to use memory-report-object-size I get following error on Emacs 28.0 pretest: $ emacs --batch -Q --eval "(progn (require 'memory-report) (message \"%s\" (memory-report-object-size '(a b \"cd\"))))" Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil) #f(compiled-function (counted value) #)(# (a b "cd")) apply(#f(compiled-function (counted value) #) # (a b "cd") nil) memory-report--object-size-1(# (a b "cd")) memory-report--object-size(# (a b "cd")) memory-report-object-size((a b "cd")) (message "%s" (memory-report-object-size '(a b "cd"))) (progn (require 'memory-report) (message "%s" (memory-report-object-size '(a b "cd")))) command-line-1(("--eval" "(progn (require 'memory-report) (message \"%s\" (mem...")) command-line() normal-top-level() While this command line does work: $ emacs --batch -Q --eval "(progn (require 'memory-report) (memory-report--garbage-collect) (message \"%s\" (memory-report-object-size '(a b \"cd\"))))" 82 Not sure whether I'm using memory-report-object-size as intended but its initialization is definitely not doing anything since memory-report--type-size is initialized to a hash table in the same module. Sergey