> Case 1, on which everything else depends, is a matter of Emacs sending > stretches of text to the spell-checker, which currently (at least with > Hunspell) does not deal with punctuation very well, though there are plans > to improve Hunspell, according to the issue I linked to earlier. > > None of these would benefit from special-casing treatment of the period or > any other character in ispell.el, I think. Attached find my code which works with Hunspell and utf-8 coded buffers only. Add to your .emacs something like (load "~/speck.el" nil t) (custom-set-variables '(speck-dictionaries-alist '((0 "en_US" nil nil) (1 "de_AT" nil nil) (2 "en_US" ("de_AT") nil))) '(speck-wordchars-alist '(("en_US" "'´`" nil) ("fr_FR" "’'" nil) ("en_US,fr_FR" "'´`’'" nil)))) (global-set-key [(f7)] 'speck-mode) customize 'speck-wordchars-alist' according to your like (the above are the values I use - you probably want to add options for en_GB), hit F7 in some window you want to check and tell me if special-casing treatment of characters with that option works. martin