;;; -*- mode: lisp-data; -*- ;; https://github.com/DanielOaks/irc-parser-tests ((mask-match (tests ((mask . "*@") (matches "coolguy!ab@" "cooldud3!~bc@") (fails "coolguy!ab@" "cooldud3!~d@")) ((mask . "cool*@*") (matches "coolguy!ab@" "cooldud3!~bc@" "cool132!ab@example.com") (fails "koolguy!ab@" "cooodud3!~d@")) ((mask . "cool!*@*") (matches "cool!guyab@" "cool!~dudebc@" "cool!312ab@example.com") (fails "coolguy!ab@" "cooldud3!~bc@" "koolguy!ab@" "cooodud3!~d@")) ((mask . "cool!?username@*") (matches "cool!ausername@" "cool!~username@") (fails "cool!username@")) ((mask . "cool!a?*@*") (matches "cool!ab@" "cool!abc@") (fails "cool!a@")) ((mask . "cool[guy]!*@*") (matches "cool[guy]!guy@" "cool[guy]!a@example.com") (fails "coolg!ab@" "cool[!ac@")))) (msg-join (tests ((desc . "Simple test with verb and params.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf")) (matches "foo bar baz asdf" "foo bar baz :asdf")) ((desc . "Simple test with source and no params.") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "AWAY")) (matches ":src AWAY")) ((desc . "Simple test with source and empty trailing param.") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "AWAY") (params "")) (matches ":src AWAY :")) ((desc . "Simple test with source.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf")) (matches ":coolguy foo bar baz asdf" ":coolguy foo bar baz :asdf")) ((desc . "Simple test with trailing param.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf quux")) (matches "foo bar baz :asdf quux")) ((desc . "Simple test with empty trailing param.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "")) (matches "foo bar baz :")) ((desc . "Simple test with trailing param containing colon.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" ":asdf")) (matches "foo bar baz ::asdf")) ((desc . "Test with source and trailing param.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf quux")) (matches ":coolguy foo bar baz :asdf quux")) ((desc . "Test with trailing containing beginning+end whitespace.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" " asdf quux ")) (matches ":coolguy foo bar baz : asdf quux ")) ((desc . "Test with trailing containing what looks like another trailing param.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "PRIVMSG") (params "bar" "lol :) ")) (matches ":coolguy PRIVMSG bar :lol :) ")) ((desc . "Simple test with source and empty trailing.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "")) (matches ":coolguy foo bar baz :")) ((desc . "Trailing contains only spaces.") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" " ")) (matches ":coolguy foo bar baz : ")) ((desc . "Param containing tab (tab is not considered SPACE for message splitting).") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "b ar" "baz")) (matches ":coolguy foo b ar baz" ":coolguy foo b ar :baz")) ((desc . "Tag with no value and space-filled trailing.") (atoms (tags (asd . "")) (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" " ")) (matches "@asd :coolguy foo bar baz : ")) ((desc . "Tags with escaped values.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (tags (a . "b\\and\nk") (d . "gh;764"))) (matches "@a=b\\\\and\\nk;d=gh\\:764 foo" "@d=gh\\:764;a=b\\\\and\\nk foo")) ((desc . "Tags with escaped values and params.") (atoms (verb . "foo") (tags (a . "b\\and\nk") (d . "gh;764")) (params "par1" "par2")) (matches "@a=b\\\\and\\nk;d=gh\\:764 foo par1 par2" "@a=b\\\\and\\nk;d=gh\\:764 foo par1 :par2" "@d=gh\\:764;a=b\\\\and\\nk foo par1 par2" "@d=gh\\:764;a=b\\\\and\\nk foo par1 :par2")) ((desc . "Tag with long, strange values (including LF and newline).") (atoms (tags (foo . "\\\\;\\s \n")) (verb . "COMMAND")) (matches "@foo=\\\\\\\\\\:\\\\s\\s\\r\\n COMMAND")))) (msg-split (tests ((input . "foo bar baz asdf") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf"))) ((input . ":coolguy foo bar baz asdf") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf"))) ((input . "foo bar baz :asdf quux") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf quux"))) ((input . "foo bar baz :") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" ""))) ((input . "foo bar baz ::asdf") (atoms (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" ":asdf"))) ((input . ":coolguy foo bar baz :asdf quux") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" "asdf quux"))) ((input . ":coolguy foo bar baz : asdf quux ") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" " asdf quux "))) ((input . ":coolguy PRIVMSG bar :lol :) ") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "PRIVMSG") (params "bar" "lol :) "))) ((input . ":coolguy foo bar baz :") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" ""))) ((input . ":coolguy foo bar baz : ") (atoms (source . "coolguy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz" " "))) ((input . "@a=b;c=32;k;rt=ql7 foo") (atoms (verb . "foo") (tags (a . "b") (c . "32") (k . "") (rt . "ql7")))) ((input . "@a=b\\\\and\\nk;c=72\\s45;d=gh\\:764 foo") (atoms (verb . "foo") (tags (a . "b\\and\nk") (c . "72 45") (d . "gh;764")))) ((input . "@c;h=;a=b :quux ab cd") (atoms (tags (c . "") (h . "") (a . "b")) (source . "quux") (verb . "ab") (params "cd"))) ((input . ":src JOIN #chan") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "JOIN") (params "#chan"))) ((input . ":src JOIN :#chan") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "JOIN") (params "#chan"))) ((input . ":src AWAY") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "AWAY"))) ((input . ":src AWAY ") (atoms (source . "src") (verb . "AWAY"))) ((input . ":cool guy foo bar baz") (atoms (source . "cool guy") (verb . "foo") (params "bar" "baz"))) ((input . ":coolguy!ag@net5work.admin PRIVMSG foo :bar baz") (atoms (source . "coolguy!ag@net5work.admin") (verb . "PRIVMSG") (params "foo" "bar baz"))) ((input . ":coolguy!~ag@net05work.admin PRIVMSG foo :bar baz") (atoms (source . "coolguy!~ag@net05work.admin") (verb . "PRIVMSG") (params "foo" "bar baz"))) ((input . "@tag1=value1;tag2;vendor1/tag3=value2;vendor2/tag4= :irc.example.com COMMAND param1 param2 :param3 param3") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "value1") (tag2 . "") (vendor1/tag3 . "value2") (vendor2/tag4 . "")) (source . "irc.example.com") (verb . "COMMAND") (params "param1" "param2" "param3 param3"))) ((input . ":irc.example.com COMMAND param1 param2 :param3 param3") (atoms (source . "irc.example.com") (verb . "COMMAND") (params "param1" "param2" "param3 param3"))) ((input . "@tag1=value1;tag2;vendor1/tag3=value2;vendor2/tag4 COMMAND param1 param2 :param3 param3") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "value1") (tag2 . "") (vendor1/tag3 . "value2") (vendor2/tag4 . "")) (verb . "COMMAND") (params "param1" "param2" "param3 param3"))) ((input . "COMMAND") (atoms (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . "@foo=\\\\\\\\\\:\\\\s\\s\\r\\n COMMAND") (atoms (tags (foo . "\\\\;\\s \n")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . ":gravel.mozilla.org 432 #momo :Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters") (atoms (source . "gravel.mozilla.org") (verb . "432") (params "#momo" "Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters"))) ((input . ":gravel.mozilla.org MODE #tckk +n ") (atoms (source . "gravel.mozilla.org") (verb . "MODE") (params "#tckk" "+n"))) ((input . ":services.esper.net MODE #foo-bar +o foobar ") (atoms (source . "services.esper.net") (verb . "MODE") (params "#foo-bar" "+o" "foobar"))) ((input . "@tag1=value\\\\ntest COMMAND") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "value\\ntest")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . "@tag1=value\\1 COMMAND") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "value1")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . "@tag1=value1\\ COMMAND") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "value1")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . "@tag1=1;tag2=3;tag3=4;tag1=5 COMMAND") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "5") (tag2 . "3") (tag3 . "4")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . "@tag1=1;tag2=3;tag3=4;tag1=5;vendor/tag2=8 COMMAND") (atoms (tags (tag1 . "5") (tag2 . "3") (tag3 . "4") (vendor/tag2 . "8")) (verb . "COMMAND"))) ((input . ":SomeOp MODE #channel :+i") (atoms (source . "SomeOp") (verb . "MODE") (params "#channel" "+i"))) ((input . ":SomeOp MODE #channel +oo SomeUser :AnotherUser") (atoms (source . "SomeOp") (verb . "MODE") (params "#channel" "+oo" "SomeUser" "AnotherUser"))))) (userhost-split (tests ((source . "coolguy") (atoms (nick . "coolguy"))) ((source . "coolguy!ag@") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (user . "ag") (host . ""))) ((source . "coolguy!~ag@localhost") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (user . "~ag") (host . "localhost"))) ((source . "coolguy@") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (host . ""))) ((source . "coolguy!ag") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (user . "ag"))) ((source . "coolguy!ag@net5work.admin") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (user . "ag") (host . "net5work.admin"))) ((source . "coolguy!~ag@net05work.admin") (atoms (nick . "coolguy") (user . "~ag") (host . "net05work.admin"))))) (validate-hostname (tests ((host . "irc.example.com") (valid . t)) ((host . "i.coolguy.net") (valid . t)) ((host . "irc-srv.net.uk") (valid . t)) ((host . "iRC.CooLguY.NeT") (valid . t)) ((host . "gsf.ds342.co.uk") (valid . t)) ((host . "324.net.uk") (valid . t)) ((host . "xn--bcher-kva.ch") (valid . t)) ((host . "-lol-.net.uk") (valid . :false)) ((host . "-lol.net.uk") (valid . :false)) ((host . "_irc._sctp.lol.net.uk") (valid . :false)) ((host . "irc") (valid . :false)) ((host . "com") (valid . :false)) ((host . "") (valid . :false)))))