Op 5/07/2017 om 20:20 schreef Nicolas Petton: > Glenn Morris writes: > >> Couple of questions: >> >> 1) Does documenting this imply Emacs developers provide support for >> it? > I don't think so, and this is AFAIK still in Beta. I think that if we're > going to add this documentation to the download page, we should mention > both. It is indeed not (yet) a finished product. For example, not all network tools are working. An overview I found; dated June '17: As of Creators Update, the following tools should work: * ping * dig * ifconfig * ip link * ip addr show * ifconfig * whois * nslookup * ip route * ip addr add/delete Not working: * nmap * tracepath * traceroute * traceroute6 Even so I believe it's always a good idea to offer a broad range of possibilities to get to know free software and the principles behind them. regards, Lorenzo