Hello! I am using usually the Xaw3d toolkit, now I compiled a "default" Emacs. Just choose "Send Bug Report…" from the Help menu and you can see that GTK is lying. The *Bug Help* buffer has six or seven lines of text and its size is 20 or 30 lines. And was does the scroll-bar show? The slider occupies two thirds of the scroll-bar area – are there some invisible ten or 15 more lines anywhere? In the Xaw3d version the slider occupies the whole scroll-bar. *That's* correct. Look at this example! In *shell* buffer seven out of 24 lines are used up. The slider in the scroll-bar obviously does not represent anything. In the Xaw3d version the slider takes the whole scroll-bar because there is not yet any hidden text. In the lower buffer the file Kanäle is partially shown. The red block cursor stands on line #7 of 62 lines – why is the whole scroll-bar filled with the slider? In Xaw3d I have a small slider in a few times larger scroll-bar.