Hi! Windows 10 (64 bit), Emacs 26.1 1. I download Emacs 26 from here : http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/emacs-26/emacs-26.1-x86_64.zip 2. Unpack and run pure Emacs (no external packages) 3. Connect android device to my computer 4. M-x shell 5. Run the next command adb logcat -vtime. Tool logcat- is a tool from Google to see android's device logging. It's very helpful. 6. This tool (logcat) generate many text interactively in shell. 7. So I press button arrow up and move cursor to the center of screen. 8. Text is continues to be generated. 9. And now I press button Enter 10. As result Emacs not response any more. Show progress bar forever. Nothing help. Only kill Emacs process from Task Manager Why this is happened? is this a bug of Emacs? Thanks.